

Accompanying The President During Flight Until Checking The Asean Summit Venue, Pangdam Ensures VVIP Security is Safe

Selasa, 14 Maret 2023, Maret 14, 2023 WIB Last Updated 2023-03-14T10:54:50Z
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West Manggarai - After a working visit to the Province of Bali, the President of Republic Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo and Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo left for Komodo Labuan Bajo International Airport, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT), on Monday (13/3/2023) afternoon.

Accompanying President Jokowi and Mrs. Iriana on the flight to NTT Province were Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung and Regional Military Commander (Pangdam) IX/Udayana Major General TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M.

Arriving in Labuan Bajo, the President and Mrs. Iriana were welcomed by the Governor of NTT Viktor Laiskodat, the NTT Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Johni Asadoma, Danrem 161/Wira Sakti Brigadier General TNI Febriel Buyung Sikumbang, Danlanud El Tari Kupang First Marshal TNI Aldrin Petrus Mongan, and Danlanal Labuan Bajo Lt. Col. Marine (P) Roni.

In West Manggarai Regency, the Head of State is scheduled to review a number of places that will be used for the 42nd ASEAN Summit. Then on the second day, on Tuesday (14/3/2029), the Head of State is scheduled to inspect and inaugurate the Labuan Bajo – Golo Mori Access Road in person at KM 16.

In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. Iriana and their entourage will return to Jakarta using the Indonesia-1 Presidential Plane via Komodo Airport, West Manggarai Regency.

In connection with the Working Visit the President of Republic Indonesia in the NTT Province, the Pangdam IX/Udayana as the Pangkogasgabpad for VVIP Security for the Bali Nusra region together with other relevant agencies continues to ensure that the security of every movement of VVIP objects is carried out according to the Protap.

At each location of the Republic of Indonesia President's Working Visit, the Military Commander IX/Udayana seemed really convinced that the VVIP Security Procedure was running well. Thus, the presence of the Pangdam as Pangkogasgabpad Pam VVIP has the responsibility to carry out physical tasks directly at close range. (Pendam IX/Udy)


